Lesser known issues affecting sprinkler piping


Lesser known issues affecting sprinkler piping

Fire solutions are becoming increasingly complex to deal with, particularly in complex establishments. Though the concept behind effective piping is an obvious one, there are a number of unexpected occurrences that sprinkler piping must compensate.

Heat causes metal to expand and with water able to fill sprinkler piping at high speeds, heat is proven to be a less effective problem. However, cold temperatures, like those in AC-filled establishments, can affect the rigidity of sprinkler piping, allowing for water to become stuck, or decreased pressure in particular areas.

Pressure is especially important for sprinkler piping, however, if water is blasted through a damaged pipe at this high pressure, a series of run-on effects will lead to dampness and damage along an entire building, potentially blowing out sprinklers in the process.

Water pressure checks by a safety professional must be consistently handled, or, when an emergency does happen, piping could burst, or simply fail to carry water effectively.

Buildings with complex sprinkler piping include military establishments, schools and hotels.

To ensure the safety of individuals, in hot and colder temperatures, no matter the establishment, effective piping needs to be installed, then consistently checked. Sprinkler piping is available in a number of sizes including  1/2″, 3/4″, 1″ , 2″ , 3″ , 4″, 5″, 6″, 8″, 10″, 12″, 14″, 16″ inches, through companies such as SkyTrading.